L’educazione e la comunicazione previdenziale – Il caso italiano

by Laura Piatti and Giuseppe Rocco; CeRP WP N. 100/10


There is both theoretical and empirical evidence for considering a good level of financial education and literacy as relevant means to improve the portfolio choices of investors, to avoid some behavioural mistakes and to enhance the effectiveness of financial regulation. Therefore, many countries find it appropriate to invest in the financial and, more specifically, the retirement education of their citizens.

In this perspective, the paper first presents a chapter regarding the framework of the Italian retirement system, specifically with regard to the issues that can be associated with the financial awareness of the individuals. There are then, as mentioned, some chapters dedicated to the most recent arguments for the relevance of financial and retirement education and literacy. An empirical analysis of the Italian financial culture follows, together with some evidence of the main actions taken by national and international organisation in this field.  Finally, some topics regarding  information transparency and  communication provided by the Italian pension funds are described, along with some proposals to improve them.


Published: September 2010

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