Former Italian Minister of Labor Visits GFLEC

La notizia della visita di Elsa Fornero sulla Newsletter del GFLEC –  Aprile 2014 



Elsa Fornero, Italy’s former minister of labor, social policies, and equal opportunities and professor of economics at the University of Turin, visited GFLEC in February. Prof. Fornero worked on a project examining the importance of financial literacy to the implementation of pension and other economic reforms. She lectured on her experience as a policymaker in a macroeconomics course at the George Washington University School of Business. She also started a new project, in collaboration with GFLEC Director Annamaria Lusardi, on women and financial literacy. GFLEC hosted the Financial Literacy Policy Perspective Luncheon, this time in New York City, at which Prof. Fornero discussed her work on financial literacy and the critical need to examine the causes of the gender gap in financial literacy. The luncheon concluded with a tour of the New York Stock Exchange.

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