New Tools in Micromodeling Retirement Decisions: Overview and Applications to the Italian Case
by Luca Spataro; WP CeRP N° 28/02 [...]
by Reinhold Schnabel; WP CeRP N° 27/02
[...]by Laura Ballotta and Steven Haberman; WP CeRP N° 24/02 (published in Fornero E. and E. Luciano (eds), Developing an Annuity Market in Europe, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2004)
by Chris Soares and Mark Warshawsky; WP CeRP N° 22/02 [...]
by Olivia S. Mitchell and David McCarthy; WP CeRP N° 21/02
[...]by Paolo Battocchio and Francesco Menoncin; WP CeRP N° 19/02
March 2002
WP_19.pdf (PDF document — 687 KB)