Nuovi working paper CeRP
n. 56/07 e 57/07
[...]n. 56/07 e 57/07
"On the Measurement of Intra-Generational Lifetime Redistribution in Pension Systems" di Antonio Abatemarco; WP CeRP 55/06
[...]"On the Measurement of Intra-Generational Lifetime Redistribution in Pension Systems" by Antonio Abatemarco; CeRP WP 55/06
[...]N. 53/06 and 54/06
[...]N° 49-50-51
"Public Policy and the Transition to Private Pension Provision in the United States and Europe" di Onorato Castellino e Elsa Fornero; WP CeRP 48/06.
"Public Policy and the Transition to Private Pension Provision in the United States and Europe" by Onorato Castellino and Elsa Fornero; WP CeRP 48/06
[...]"Actuarial Neutrality when Longevity Increases: An Application to the Italian Pension System" by Michele Belloni and Carlo Maccheroni; WP CeRP N° 47/06
[...]"Financial Literacy and Planning: Implications for Retirement Wellbeing" by Annamaria Lusardi and Olivia S. Mitchell; WP CERP N° 46/05