“L’educazione finanziaria per l’età anziana: buone pratiche e errori da evitare”; Collegio Carlo Alberto, 17 November 2017
The event is part of the dissemination of the project Finkit, coordinated by CeRP. It will be followed by the Finkit partner’s meeting.
11:00 ǀ Welcome: Elsa Fornero (University of Turin and CeRP)
11:10 ǀ “Financial inclusion: The role of influencers and products” Presentation of Finkit project and of the first results (output 2/3): Riccardo Calcagno (EM Lyon Business School and CeRP); Flavia Coda Moscarola (CeRP)
11:30 ǀ Panel discussion
Giovanna Boggio Robutti (Feduf, Roma)
Emanuela Losito (Comune di Milano)
Gaetano Megale (Progetica, Milano)
Giovanna Paladino (Museo del Risparmio di Torino)
Angela Romagnoli (Banca d’Italia, Roma)
Chair: Elsa Fornero
13:30 ǀ Light lunch
Finkit Multiplier event _agenda
The event will be held in Italian; simultaneous translation will be available.
Please register for participation: cerp@carloalberto.org