Elsa Fornero has been recently appointed member of the newly created Research Committee of the OECD International Network on Financial Education (INFE) and IZA as ‘Policy Fellow’.
The INFE Research Committee, chaired by Annamaria Lusardi, is part of an extensive effort of the OECD to enhance the synergies between research and policy development in financial education (see: http://www.oecd.org/finance/financial-education/)
The Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA, based in Bonn) is a research center for labor market and social policy issues. IZA’s network of policy experts aims at fostering international dialogue between research, policy advice and policy making.
The recent article by Elsa Fornero “Reforming labor markets: reflections of an economist who (unexpectedly) became the Italian Minister of Labor”, published in the IZA Journal of European Labor Studies (2013, 2:20, http://www.izajoels.com/content/2/1/20) is the most viewed of the journal articles (http://www.izajoels.com/mostviewed/alltime)