Elsa Fornero is one of the over 40 representatives of the academic and institutional world who have voluntarily joined the Financial Education Program PESES, promoted by the Catholic University of Milano under the supervision of Carlo Cottarelli.
PESES is an initiative that brings experts in economics and social sciences to secoondary schools across Italy, with the aim of providing students with the opportunity for information, education, and transmission of economic-financial concepts . By sharing the experiences of highly significant individuals, PESES seeks to offer support to the Italian school system and inspire the future of students.
Elsa Fornero has attended/will attend financial education initiatives in several Italian schools. The next events will be in Milan, Bergamo, Piacenza, Pistoia and Savona.
Learn more about the program at https://www.unicatt.it/landing/istituzionale/programmapeses.html
See also the program presentation on Il Sole 24ore.