Mid-long term trends for the pension and health care systems – Summary and conclusions
The forecasts of the Department of General Accounts updated to 2005
The forecasts of the Department of General Accounts updated to 2005
European Commission's report based on the national strategy reports issued by each Member State: synthesis, country fiches and technical annex
prepared by the OECD Insurance and Private Pensions Committee and Working Party on Private Pensions, were adopted by the OECD Council on 26 January 2006.
A survey by the Bank of Italy (Supplementi al Bollettino Statistico, Anno XVI Numero 7 - 17 Gennaio 2006) on the income of Italian households - Italian only
banca d'italia bilanci famiglie it 2004.pdf (PDF document — 895 KB )
Economic Policy Committe - Working Group on Ageing Population - European Commission. A description of the Italian pension system and of the projection model developed by the Department of General Accounts (Ragioneria Generale dello Stato), as of January 2006.
Second Report of the UK Pension Commission; November 30, 2005