Promoting Longer Working Lives Through Better Social Protection Systems
report social protection committee_2004_working_longer_en.pdf (PDF document — 216 KB )
report social protection committee_2004_working_longer_en.pdf (PDF document — 216 KB )
Incentives to postopone retirement with the new law 243/2004 (Italian only)
DG Taxation and Customs - European Commission; July 2004
article_tax obstacle overview_2004.pdf (PDF document — 16 KB)
by Olivia S. Mitchell - Presentation for the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, on the occasion of the awarding - jointly with Elsa Fornero - of the INA Prize for insurance studies (March 3, 2004).
26/02/2004 - Source: Il Sole 24ore (Italian only)
Examples of pensions after the changes proposed on the delegation law on 26/02/2004 (Italian only)
The forecasts for 2004 of the Department for General Accounts (Ragioneria Generale dello Stato) - (Italian only)
by Onorato Castellino and Elsa Fornero; (October 2003; Italian only)
by Elsa Fornero; September 2003