Workshop in capital markets: David Bates (University of Iowa)
Workshop in capital markets: Carolina Fugazza (CeRP)
"Time and Risk Diversification in Real Estate Investments: the Ex Post Performance"
27 May 2008; h: 13:30
[...] Workshop in capital markets: Thomas Gehrig (University of Freiburg)
13 May 2008; h: 13:30
[...] Lunch seminar: “Political Sustainability of Italian Pension Reforms: Role of Labor Supply and Human Capital Accumulation Decisions”
Lunch seminar: “The effects of housing and financial wealth on personal consumption: aggregate evidence for Italian households”
Lunch seminar “Learning, Ambiguity and Life-Cycle Portfolio Allocation”
Seminar “The Political Origin of Pension Reform”
by Enrico Perotti; jointly organized by Collegio Carlo Alberto and CeRP
09 November 2007; h:12:00
[...] Workshop in Capital Markets
Talk on US loan crisis
28 September 2007; h:13:00