Optimal Portfolio Strategies with Stochastic Wage Income and Inflation: The Case of a Defined Contribution Pension Plan
by Paolo Battocchio and Francesco Menoncin; WP CeRP N° 19/02
March 2002
WP_19.pdf (PDF document — 687 KB)
by Paolo Battocchio and Francesco Menoncin; WP CeRP N° 19/02
March 2002
WP_19.pdf (PDF document — 687 KB)
by Francesco Daveri; WP CeRP N° 18/02 (published in Fornero E. e O. Castellino, Pension Policy in an Integrating Europe, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003)
February 2002
WP_18.pdf (PDF document — 673 KB)
by Richard Disney and Sarah Smith; WP CeRP N° 17/02; published in The Economic Journal , Vol. 112(478), March 2002
January 2001
di Giovanna Segre; AD CeRP N° 2/02 [...]
by Elsa Fornero and Onorato Castellino ( January 2002)
by Estelle James and Xue Song; WP CeRP N° 16/01
[...]di Estelle James; WP CeRP N° 15/01 [...]