Seminar “Saving Rates and House Price Dynamics in Europe: Structural Modeling and Implications for the Future”
“La sicurezza economica nell’età anziana: strumenti, attori, rischi e possibili garanzie”
Conference organized by Fondazione Courmayeur, CeRP and CNPDS-Centro Nazionale di Prevenzione e Difesa Sociale
20 September 2008; h: 09:15
[...] Onorato Castellino lecture: Mario Monti
“Financial security in retirement”
Seminar: “Sticky Consumption Growth”
Workshop in capital markets: David Bates (University of Iowa)
Workshop in capital markets: Carolina Fugazza (CeRP)
"Time and Risk Diversification in Real Estate Investments: the Ex Post Performance"
27 May 2008; h: 13:30
[...] Workshop in capital markets: Thomas Gehrig (University of Freiburg)
13 May 2008; h: 13:30