COM(2005) 706: “Working together, working better: A new framework for the open coordination of social protection and inclusion policies in the European Union”
Improving the portability of supplementary pension rights
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council; October 2005
COM(2005) 94 final: “Confronting demographic change: a new solidarity between the generations” (16/03/2005)
Second stage consultation of social partners on measures to improve the portability of occupational pension rights - September 2003
DIRECTIVE 2003/41/EC of the European Parliament and of the C
on the activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision
Date: 03/06/2003
A5-0388/2001 Resolution of the European Parliament
on the Commission communication on the elimination of tax obstacles to the cross-border provision of occupational pensions (COM(2001) 214 ( C5-0533/2001 ( 2001/2212(COS))
Report of the European Parliament
on the Commission communication on the elimination of cross-border provision of occupational pensions (COM(2001) 214 – C5-0533/2001– 2001/2212(COS))
COM(2001) 214
Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee on the elimination of tax obstacles to the cross-border provision of occupational pensions
Report Ecofin EPC/ECFIN/581/00
Progress report to the Ecofin Council on the Impact of ageing populations on public pension systems