Pensioni: la flessibilità in uscita si realizza con la riforma dei salari
an article by Elsa Fornero, Giovanni Mastrobuoni, Filippo Taddei; April 2009
[...]an article by Elsa Fornero, Giovanni Mastrobuoni, Filippo Taddei; April 2009
[...]A proposal by Marina Piazza, Anna M. Ponzellini, Anna Soru; May 2009
PDF File (85KB) (Italian only)
issued by the Italian Ministry of Welfare; May 2009
PDF file (5MB) (Italian only)
"Manager Characteristics and Capital Structure: Theory and Evidence"
Date: 05/06/2009, h 12:00
[...]organized by Società Aperta, 4 May 2009
[...]The forecasts of The Department of General accounts updated to 2008 [...]
byi Margherita Borella and Flavia Coda Moscarola; CeRP WP N. 86/09