The Economic Value of Timing Bull and Bear Markets
WU Vienna University, Gutmann Center Invited Public Lecture, by Giovanna Nicodano
G. Nicodano, F. Bagliano and C. Fugazza, forthcoming Review of Finance
Panel discussions: "Appréhender la transition démographique en Europe" and "Les sociétés européennes à l’épreuve de l’Europe", Elsa Fornero
July 6th, 2013
Panel discussion: "Consumer protection and adequate pension products", Elsa Fornero
June 17th, 2013
Speaker: Elsa Fornero
June 21st, 2013
Speaker: Elsa Fornero
June 4th, 2013
Speaker: Elsa Fornero
May 22nd, 2013
Key-note speech: "Reforming the labor market: reflections of an economist who (unexpectedly) became a Minister", Elsa Fornero
August 22nd, 2013